Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ahmad Atrash

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


Master degree in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture from Birzeit University, bachelor degree in civil engineering from An-Najah National University. 

Достижения и награды

Works as a research associate at the Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ) since 2005 on issues related to sustainable development, urban environment management, strategic and urban planning, and local governance reform, author of many publications, including: Assessing the Impacts of the Segregation Wall on the Palestinians using GIS (2010), Jerusalem-cide (2009), Disaster Mitigation towards Sustainable Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (2008), Planning towards a Sustainable Land Transportation System in the Future Palestinian State (2007), among others.

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