Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Muhammad Al-Basiouni

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The talented Palestinian child, Muhammad Al-Basiouni, is racing against time to complete a series of patriotic songs related to the Palestinian issue, in addition to songs for a number of Arab countries, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria, taking advantage of his summer vacation and full time off from school.

Al-Basyouni (6 years old) is considered one of the rising singing talents in the Gaza Strip over the past two years, despite his young age. He presented a collection of artistic works related to the Palestinian resistance, after the last Israeli war in 2014, to many of the military wings of the resistance.

The child, Al-Basyouni, told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that he aspires to continue singing about the Palestinian issue and resistance, focus on the issue, and try to strengthen it among all children in the Arab and Islamic world.

He points out that he began his first work that he presented to the resistance after the last Israeli war, on the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014, which had a wide resonance in the Palestinian and Arab street in all its age groups, especially the young group.
The child Al-Basiouni adds that he preferred to choose art that carries the message of Palestinian resistance over songs for children, in order to enhance the presence of the Palestinian cause and the necessity of liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque, among his fellow children in Palestine and the Arab and Islamic world.

His father's work in the artistic field, sound engineering, and composing lyrics since 1984 contributed to forming a strong motivation to develop his rising artistic talent, through continuous training of his son since his childhood, and guiding him in continuous training to reach the desired level.

His father, Wael Al-Basiouni, who works as a sound engineer, told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that he discovered his son’s skill two years after his birth, by trying to imitate the beautiful voices of the muezzins surrounding their home, choosing the best and trying to perform it.

Al-Basiouni explains that during the years that preceded the announcement of his first song, he worked on training intensively, and trying to address and strengthen his weak points, despite the main obstacle that stood in his way, which was his young age compared to the required performance.

He points out that he will push for his son to continue singing the Palestinian resistance and the national song, and work to strengthen it and try to spread it among Arab children, to instill the culture of liberating Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque in their memories, and to shed light on the Palestinian issue.

Al-Basiouni explains that the most prominent difficulty he faces in working with his child Muhammad is his young age and the difficulty of controlling his trends and actions at this age, as he is only six years old and is largely controlled by childish tendencies.


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