Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Sami Al-Deek

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The drawings of the creative Palestinian artist Sami Al-Deek in wall sculptures reflected the Palestinian and Arab reality. It included pictures of the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and the late Libyan activist Omar Al-Mukhtar. In addition to its depiction of the Palestinian reality, the Al-Aqsa Intifada, and the occupation’s arbitrary practices against Palestinian citizens, including killing, displacement, and cold-blooded field executions.

The artist’s drawings of the rooster coincided with the 68th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, in which the occupation displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to the Gaza Strip and the neighboring countries of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. He also showed in his drawings the difficult Syrian situation and the systematic aggression that Syria is being subjected to by extremist groups.

In addition to the political situation, the paintings of artist Sami Al-Deek included other aspects such as the deteriorating economic, social, cultural and artistic conditions in the Palestinian territories.

Palestinian artist Sami Al-Dik, 26 years old, comes from the occupied village of Kafr Al-Dik, which is located in the north of the West Bank. He began drawing and sculpting on walls in order to deliver his lofty message directly to people’s minds and minds, through his use of “the sound of walls”, through the art of “graffiti”, to reflect the general situation in the Palestinian territories, and the injustice and persecution that Palestinians are exposed to on a daily basis by the occupation. Zionist.

Last year, artist Sami Al-Deek displayed 16 paintings simulating the issue and the suffering of Palestinian women, in one of the famous Paris exhibitions. He painted a huge mural on one of the walls of a French school in Paris, titled “Peace Mural,” hoping that peace would spread to the Palestinian territories.

Despite the difficult living conditions that the young artist suffers from, he was able to convey his message, leave his mark in several countries around the world, and used the walls of the streets of Palestine as a means of expressing the oppression that our societies suffer from.

Sami Al-Deek considers graffiti merely a means of expressing art for art's sake, a cry that expresses individual personality in an impersonal world.

It is noteworthy that artists in the Palestinian territories suffer from a lack of interest in them, and a lack of support for their talents, in addition to being pursued by the occupation because of their drawings, which highlight its barbarism and barbaric aggression on a daily basis.


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