Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Maryam Hijazi

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


In a presence crowded with bright thought and sincere love, presented by social and educational activists, a crowd of families, and a group of those interested in cultural affairs, and with the remarkable participation of the student group, the writer, Professor Maryam Hassan Hijazi, signed the book “The Pilgrimage Discourse in the Treatise of Rights by Imam Zayn al-Abidin, peace be upon him,” sponsored by the Municipality of Battle and the Amal Association. Sports culture - a battle.
The ceremony was opened with a speech by the mayor, Mr. Hajj Adel Saad, who praised the writer’s efforts and her remarkable work, stressing the importance of cultural work in the town. This was followed by a critical reading by the head of the Hope Society, Mr. Imad Khalil, who presented the most important details of the book, focusing on its structure, approach, and the problems that he answered, congratulating the writer on her work. The abundant content presented by the book. After that, Professor Maryam Hegazy gave a speech characterized by emotional and poignant sentiment, in which she expressed the motivation that inspired her from the influential people in her life, speaking about the importance of the message of rights and the necessity of benefiting from it, especially in the current reality, appreciating the sponsorship of the municipality and the Hope Association as president and administrators.
In conclusion, the author handed over two shields of appreciation to the mayor, Hajj Adel Saad, and the head of the Hope Association, Mr. Imad Khalil. Then the author signed the book for those present with words filled with love and appreciation for the attendees.
The distinguished professor Lara Hassan Ghandour presented the ceremony.


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