Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ahmad Al Danan

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The plastic artist expresses his thoughts and feelings through the brush and the painting.. Like other visual arts, such as architecture, photography, decoration, and sculpture, which are called “visual” because they are perceived by the sense of sight.

Ahmed Al Danan is one of the famous faces in the city of Sidon, he was born there in 1986, and his roots go back to the city of Safed in Palestine.
He loved art from an early age, and after he discovered this talent from a young age, he began to work on developing and improving it, devoting a lot of his time to it, so he continued his university studies until he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in “Graphic Design”from the Lebanese International University in Sidon in 2011.

Artist Ahmed Al Danan says, "Art is everything beautiful that your eyes see, so your soul dances to it, and your mind baffles about it, then your fingers embody it as an exceptional landmark in the world of beauty."
Al-Dannan aspires to have his own center for teaching art, to convey this message in style and content within the correct standards of classical art, to reach universality in plastic art, and to raise the name of his country, Palestine, wherever he goes. He added, "Art that does not carry a message is transitory art."
Al-Dannan considers Palestine "a great cause, and drawing is nothing but a talent through which the artist expresses the extent of his love and adoration for this cause, with paintings, drawings and words that dedicate the reality of the cause and the extent of his love for it. The love of Palestine is much greater than being expressed in a painting or a word."
Al-Dannan held three exhibitions of his own, the first titled “Fingers of Revolt” in 2016, the second titled “On the Doorstep” in 2017, and the third exhibition was in 2019, in which he displayed all his works.
The artist Ahmed Al-Dannan works as an art teacher in a school, in addition to his private institute for teaching fine art, where he graduated from a large number of students who love art and drawing.

Each of us can express his feelings and feelings, so art was a kind of expression of conscience, feelings and feelings. It is not only a profession, but a life that we live in all its details and express it with paintings and colors that reach what we want to the minds and hearts.


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