Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mays Shalash

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Kuwait
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1989
  • key_age: 34
  • Резюме :


Mays Saud Shalash or Mays Shalash is a Palestinian singer, distinguished by her strong, melodious voice. She was born in 1989 in Kuwait. Most of her songs revolve around the issue of Palestine and the Intifada. She participated in several festivals to denounce this issue. She has several albums and began her music career at an early age.

artistic career
Her father, Saud Mustafa, suggested that she release a patriotic tape in favor of the uprising, since he was a poet, and at that time the lyrics of her first album - The Voice of Freedom - were available. 11 years old.. when the young singer from the Professional Syndicates Complex started as her first concert, and she felt the people’s thirst for this type of singing, so she used to visit all the camps and associations to perform at her national concerts, especially since her first album – The Voice of Freedom – was very popular among people.. Her words are Palestinian, characterized by borders and distance from diagnosis and fanaticism, as most of the poems she sang were from the words of her father, the poet Saud Shalash, and other great poets such as Khalil Abed, Maryam Al-Amouri, Nabila Al-Khatib and others. In the same year, she participated in the album “Umm Al-Shahid”with the vocalist Khalil Abed, and in the same year with the vocalist Abu Arab, she participated with him in the album “Rijal Al-Watan” and then released her own album “The Voice of Freedom” in her almost twelve years. The world chanted, O world of justice, and in its thirteenth and a half year it released the album Khansa Palestine, with the participation of the brightest stars of art, such as Abdel Fattah Oweinat and Ayman Ramadan. The steadfastness of his family.. Her latest album, The Right of Return, has now been released, written and composed by her father, in which she mentioned the right of return for Palestinian refugees and that victory is near, God willing, as long as national unity is the foundation.

Currently, she announced her retirement from art after her engagement

Mais's singing sparked controversy among religious people, and it was said that it was not permissible according to the Sharia, when she grew up and was no longer a child, but Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa that it is permissible to sing it in front of men as long as it is modest and not subject to speech, and as long as its concern is to serve the nation's issues.

Mays albums
Freedom's voice
I love you to death, mom
for you
Help us
universe fluid
home wedding
Jenin legend
Khansa Palestine
Oh maximum
Right of Return
Freedom wedding
I am the city
The hero dismounted
Father, don't cry
Huda Ghalia - The day the parents of the Gaza girl Huda Ghalia were bombed at the shore of the sea.
Ayatak Rabbi from the album I see you Wayne?
Bulbul will sing from the album "Showfak Wayne"
Seven years from the album "Open Your Book" in collaboration with the artist Mohamed El Helou.
Looking for You - Won the Golden Award for Radio Production (Child's Song) / Ninth Cairo Festival for Radio and Television 2003.
Hakim Al-Thawra - It was sung at the memorial service for the late fighter, Hakim George Habash.
Tal al-Qamar - an anthem on the occasion of Ramadan.
Sleep, my love - dedicated to the children of Gaza and Palestine.
Inside the dungeon - to the prisoners.
It is the children of the camp.. for the children of the camps.
Where are the Arabs - on the occasion of the aggression on Gaza 2009.
Get up and go to the sanctuary - on the occasion of the Jews' storming of the Ibrahimi sanctuary in the city of Hebron.
Imprisonment Whatever Ali - Dedicated to the Prisoners.
Your separation is precious - dedicated to the soul of the father of the artist, Mays Shalash - Saud Shalash.
Maktoob Abeenek Batal - with the participation of the artist's brother, Mays Shalash - Anas Shalash - on the occasion of the prisoner liberation deal in exchange for Gilad Shalit.
Nadit - Miss Shalash, in association with Yazan Nusseibeh

Достижения и награды

Awards and festivals
She participated in many festivals in the Arab world, including the National Forum for Youth for Justice and Development in Morocco. She also won several awards in many international festivals:

Bronze Award for Song O World of Justice (2001)
Two golden awards for my songs orphan and I walk and my paths are fire (2002)
Best Performance and Best Composition Award for the song Good Morning, My Country, in which she composed her father's words (2003)
Child Festival Award in Cairo


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