Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Waleed Husseini Al-Husseini

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 34
  • Резюме :


Walid al-Husseini, an author, human rights activist, and blogger. In October 2010, the Palestinian Authority arrested him on charges of insulting religious sentiments, violating religious leaders, and instigating religious, sectarian, and sectarian strife against Islam through his Facebook pages and blog. His arrest caused angry reactions on an international level.

On October 16, 2010, the New York Times wrote: “The case has brought attention to thorny issues such as freedom of expression, as the Palestinian Authority still considers harsh criticism of religion as a crime, which indicates a cultural collision between a conservative society on the one hand and the Internet.”

his upbringing
Al-Husseini was born in the city of Qalqilya, in the northern West Bank on June 25, and holds a university degree in computer science. As a result of unemployment, he helped his father a few hours a day in the barbershop. Those who knew him at the time described him as an “ordinary young man” who prayed regularly at the mosque on Fridays.

At the beginning of his twenties, a young man from Qalqilya spends a lot of time online. When his mother discovered articles on atheism on his computer, she unsubscribed from the Internet in the hope that he would renounce his views. However, Walid Al-Husseini took the initiative to frequent the local Internet café, where he used to spend hours on the net while secluded in a corner.

Posting under the name Walid al-Husayni on his Facebook pages and personal blog, al-Husayni, as reported by The New York Times, "has enraged Muslims in the blogosphere as he defends atheism, mocks Quranic verses with disdain and criticizes the life of the Prophet Muhammad while chatting online under the name God Almighty: “God Almighty.” They also accused him of claiming divinity. Walid al-Husseini described the god of Islam as “a primitive Bedouin and an anthropomorphic God.”He wrote about the Prophet Muhammad as “obsessed with sex,” as he penetrated and transcended everything that was classified as known in his time, “to satisfy his desires and instincts.” Considering that Muhammad was no different from the “tramp bandit who slaughters, robs and rapes women.” In an article entitled “Why did you leave Islam” and published it on his first blog, “Nour Al-Aql”, Walid Al-Husseini wrote that Muslims “believe that all those who abandon Islam are only They are agents or spies working for Western countries, including Israel... They do not yet acknowledge the freedom of every person to believe what suits his convictions." Al-Husseini insisted on emphasizing that this does not mean that Christianity or Judaism is better than Islam, but rather that all religions are nothing but "a mixture of incredible myths, all in competition for the highest degrees of stupidity." Al-Husseini rejected the argument that Islam is a religion of tolerance, social justice and equality. He also criticized Islam's treatment of women and its impediment to human creativity, and questioned the alleged scientific miracles in the Qur'an. The Facebook groups created by Al-Husseini published hundreds of angry comments and death threats and sparked the creation of more than a dozen Facebook groups opposed to him. At its peak, his blog in Arabic attracted more than 70,000 visitors per week.

On January 14, 2015, Walid Al-Husseini published a book in French, which caused a stir in France and achieved a high sales rate under the name Blasphémateur! : prisons d'Allah, 2015, Grasset (ISBN 978-2-246-85461-6)


Достижения и награды

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