Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Aref Al-Marra

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Egypt
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


The Palestinian doctor, Aref Mazen Abd al-Majid al-Marra, hurried to join the medical team at the “Esna” isolation hospital, south of Luxor, in Egypt.

The doctor who says about himself: “The heart is in Egypt, and the soul is in Jerusalem,” finds himself a fighter in the Egyptian medical brigades, where he runs his battle in a hospital and once he achieves victory, he starts a new battle in another place, so he is armed with determination and insistence on resistance, and obtaining spoils. Save patients' lives, and help them recover as quickly as possible.
  Doctor Aref says: “Since I was assigned to join the medical teams in a number of isolation hospitals in Egypt, which I started from Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aswan, along with some private hospitals, and all the way to the Isolation Hospital in Esna, I realized that I was on the verge of a battle that I had not witnessed before in The corridors of hospitals, because the disease is mysterious, and the symptoms differ from one patient to another, and for this I must pledge to myself that I will do my best to preserve the lives of patients, even if it requires that I sacrifice my life, because the oath that I took in the Faculty of Medicine obliges me before God not to give up and to I don't back down.
I realize that all the peoples of the world stand at a crossroads: either survival or perishment, and the solution is simple and feasible, requiring only staying at home and social distancing in order to ensure survival from this pandemic.
Aref was born in Palestine. He completed his high school studies in my homeland, then transferred to the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University to start the undergraduate level. He graduated in 2014 and is now on the verge of completing his specialty in emergency medicine and critical cases. He worked in many private and government hospitals, and he was one of the first three emergency doctors to open Esna Specialized Hospital in Egypt


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