Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mahmoud Mohamed Sufian Serdah

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
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Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Sufian Serdah wins the Global Faculty Award

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Sufian Serdah won; Professor of Hematology and Molecular Genetics at the College of Science and former Dean of Scientific Research at the Global Faculty Award, and he was chosen among the best faculty members (university professors) in the world in the competition organized by ASK Education.


The Global Faculty Award is awarded to distinguished university professors who have made an outstanding contribution to their profession, demonstrated excellence in subject teaching, inspiring teaching, had outstanding contributions to the development of learner performance, and left a clear mark in alumni's professional lives and served the community through systematic teaching and activities. Extracurricular and outside formal classrooms, enriched knowledge and contributed distinctively in the field of scientific research and provided qualitative services to the community in their field of specialization.


The ASK Foundation dedicated this prestigious international award to honor faculty members, professors from all countries of the world, and to highlight their applied research and contribution to building society. and their capabilities for specialized leadership, helping them create a better society through inspiring teaching, impactful performance, and purposeful scientific research.


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tian, the President of the University, received Prof. Dr. Serdah to congratulate him on this distinguished victory, in the presence of Prof. Omar Milad, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Abdullah Al-Farra, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Prof. Dr. Atta Abu Hani, Dean of the College of Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Issa Al-Nahal is a faculty member at the College of Science.


Prof. Dr. Al-Tayan considered Prof. Serdah's winning of this prestigious award as a natural merit for his applied scientific research in the field of hematology and molecular genetics, noting that he is one of the scholars of the College of Sciences known for his merit, excellence, and uninterrupted activity in teaching and scientific research aimed at serving the community. .


For his part, Prof. Serdah dedicated this victory to Al-Azhar University - Gaza, which he contributed to its development through his work as a faculty member at the Faculty of Science and in all the administrative positions he held, the last of which was the Deanship of Scientific Research.


He expressed his pride in the University's College of Science, which, based on the research output of its faculty members, won the Islamic Development Bank Award in Science and Technology (the thirteenth edition) in 2015 as the best scientific research institution. In their fields, explaining the importance of moving from the limited provision of knowledge to its industry and its continuous development through purposeful scientific research, as it is the mainstay of development, progress, advancement and leadership in all fields.


It is worth mentioning that Prof. Serdah previously won multiple scientific and research awards in the field of medical and health sciences at the local, regional and Arab levels, including the Distinguished Arab Researcher Award for the year 2016 presented by the General Secretariat of the Association of Arab Universities and the Union of Arab Scientific Research Councils Award for Distinguished Scientific Research for the year 2014. During the past year, he conducted a qualitative set of scientific research, during his third scientific and research trip to the University of Utah College of Medicine in the United States of America.




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