Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Alaa Hamdan

Sector : Media, Directors

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Jordan
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1988
  • key_age: 34
  • Резюме :


Alaa Hamdan (born April 6, 1988) is an award-winning Palestinian-Jordanian director, photographer, blogger and filmmaker. She was born in Jerusalem and lived her early years there, then moved with her family to Jordan, and studied there. Alaa Hamdan specialized in the Spanish language, and received a scholarship in 2012 to attend the University of Granada for a period of six months.

She participated in more than ten international and local exhibitions, including:

An exhibition that was held in Birzeit in the West Bank and in New York, and she also had a share of winning five prizes in photography competitions of various ranks.

She started her career in Granada, Spain, to continue studying languages in 2010, but the landscape prompted her to pay $40 to buy her first Kodak camera to practice her hobby and convey the beauty of the earth to the world.

As part of her participation in art exhibitions, Alaa won six awards through 31 photographers in Jordan, an exhibition in New York entitled (Arts meets Times Square), and an exhibition in their eyes in Birzeit, Palestine, where she showed Spring, Mother’s Day, Women’s Day and many scenes of life. different.

Alaa Hamdan was chosen as a member of the jury in a number of international film festivals after winning several awards as a director, including:

Fourth place in the Dubai Cultural Festival (October 2015 AD), for her short film "Under Construction".
Istanbul Tourism Film Festival (2016), for her movie "While in Turkey".
SILA Film Festival (2016), for its tourism movie "While in London".



Достижения и награды

Alaa Hamdan has participated in many national and international photography competitions, and won several awards, including:
Face Photography Award (Portrait) in the Photo Intersection competition in 2015.
The Greater Amman Municipality Prize for Women's Photography.
Dubai Festival of Creativity Award 2015. 

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