Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Tariq Ayoub

Tariq Ayoub

Sector : Media, Journalists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1967
  • key_age: 56
  • Резюме :


Tariq Naim Khalil Ayoub (b. 1967 in Kuwait - d. 8 April 2003 in Iraq) is a Palestinian journalist and news reporter of Jordanian origin, from the village of Yasouf in the Salfit area in the central West Bank. Tariq was born in Kuwait in 1967 and obtained his high school diploma, after that he moved to India where he studied arts and obtained a bachelor’s degree from the University of Calicut in 1990. He then moved to Jordan in 1993 and worked in the press and media sector for about 10 years, and he is a well-known media personality. He holds a master's degree in English and a diploma in journalism.


his professional career

He began his journalistic career by working for the Jordan Times, an English-language Jordanian daily newspaper, with which he did not break off. He also worked through his website in Jordan with WTN, a photo news agency based in Paris. He also worked as a producer and correspondent for the Associated Press APTN from Amman, and joined Finally to the island in 1998.


He married Mrs. Dima Tahboub, the daughter of the former Jordanian Doctors Syndicate, Tariq Tahboub, and he had two twin daughters, one of whom died and the second remained, and her name was Fatima.


his death

Ayoub died at the age of 35 on April 8, 2003, after working as a correspondent for Al-Jazeera for three years, after he covered the beginning of the war on Iraq from an area called Al-Ruwaishid on the Iraqi-Jordanian border, then moved a week later to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where Tariq was at the time accompanied by his colleagues on the Al Jazeera desktop. He died after the American forces launched a missile targeting Al-Jazeera's office, which consists of three floors. The building was evacuated as soon as the missile was seen, except for Tariq Ayoub, who passed away, and his escort, Zuhair, was deeply wounded.




Достижения и награды

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