Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Hassan Yousef Dar Khalil

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


Biographical Information:
 Born in Betuniya
 Married with 8 children
Personal History:
 Completed elementary Studies in Kafar Nihmeh the Secondary Studies in al-Aqsa Legal School in Occupied Gaza
 Continued his studies in Faculty of Islamic Sharia in University of Jerusalem
 Obtained a MA in Islamic Studies
 Joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the University in Jordan
 1978 - Participated in the establishment of Hamas
 Former Secretary General of Marj al-Zuhour Return Camp
 1995 - Member of the Dialogue Committee in Cairo between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas
 1971 - Detained by the Israelis
 October 1992 - Arrested by the Israelis and held in 3 month administrative detention until his deportation
 1992 - Deported to Marj al-Zuhour
 1996 - Detained in Palestinian prison
 September 2005 - Present - Detained in Israeli prison
 Subjected to many assassination attempts by Israel
 Protected the al-Aqsa mosque against the radical Jewish Rafafa group


Достижения и награды

Parliamentarian Ramallah District

Notable Quotations:
The following quotations are from Maan News, June 21, 2006
• “If Hamas participated in a presidential election and won, certainly it would negotiate with Israel.”
• “A truce that is reached that includes the Israeli withdrawal to 1967 borders actually means mutual recognition between the two states Palestine and Israel.”
• “The possibility of reaching understandings [with Israel] is better now than before Hamas took power.” “Democracy means that the people decide, but in Shura, we believe that Islamic Law decides and we abide by what it says.” --Passia, October 22, 2005
“We are not going to change into a political party now; our mission is to preserve our people’s rights and preserve our right to resist the occupation.” --Al-Watan, May 17, 2005
“We in Hamas refuse strongly to return to security coordination in all its forms. The security coordination before the start of Al-Aqsa Intifada damaged Palestinian internal relations and created so many problems and so much antagonism. We will not allow a return to that prior
situation.” --Al-Aser, February 8, 2005

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