Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mahmoud Abu Hanoud

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1967
  • key_age: 49
  • Резюме :


Born in ‘Assira Shamaliyya, near Nablus, on 1 July 1967; attended the village school; was active in the first Intifada that started in Dec. 1987; earned a BA in Shari’a Law from Al-Quds University, Jerusalem; was among the deportees to Marj Az-Zuhur, South Lebanon, in Dec. 1992; was arrested by the PA for firing at settler vehicles near Nablus in 1994; wanted by Israel as top commander of Hamas’ ‘Izz Eddin Al-Qassam brigades in the West Bank, responsible for several attacks on Israeli targets since 1997; escaped an Israeli assassination attempt in ‘Assira Ash-Shamaliyya on 26 Aug. 2000, in which three Israeli special forces were killed by friendly fire; escaped to Nablus, where he was taken into custody by PA police and - on 1 Sept. 2000 - sentenced by a State Security Court to 12 years in prison on charges of having established military cells; remained in prison until 18 May 2001, when Israeli jets bombed Nablus prison and the PA released prisoners to ensure their safety; eventually killed - together with two aides Ayman and Mamoun Aweissa - on 23 Nov. 2001 by an Israeli missile attack on the car he was driving outside Yassid village near Nablus.


Достижения и награды

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